OK, here's the deal. I am not cool. Everyone that knows me will vouch for me!
The purpose of this blog is more of an experiment, to turn an uncool and very unsociable individual
into the coolest guy on the Google search engine with help from social networking web sites.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Coolest new wave websites you need to know about!

Now that I am making some progress on my social media websites, I plan to move in on the new wave of social/educational web 2.0 sites. I have three sites for you to try. About a month ago I never knew these sites existed! But now I am hooked. You can re-spin some content from your existing blog or website and link it back to your site for more information on the subject.

Why use these sites? Three good reasons:

  1. You can pass on your valuable knowledge and get your name noticed by a huge number of readers.
  2. You can link the information back to your website and turn the reader into a potential customer or subscriber.
  3. You can gain revenue from ads on these articles!
Revenue? I hear you say! Yes. You can put your own Google Adsense code in and sell items from Amazon related to your subject!

These are the sites:



Redgage is a nice one for getting visitors to your Hubpage Hubs or Squidoo Lenses!

Well, that's enough for me today. I will be far too busy filling these sites with my content. Hope to see you there!

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