OK, here's the deal. I am not cool. Everyone that knows me will vouch for me!
The purpose of this blog is more of an experiment, to turn an uncool and very unsociable individual
into the coolest guy on the Google search engine with help from social networking web sites.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

the NEW Coolest guy in Australia (Me!)

Setting myself a mini challenge. Not content with holding positions one, two and three for the natural search term "Coolest guy on Google". I now am setting myself a two week challenge to become the "Coolest guy in Australia".

I really feel that your old pal Jezhug can achieve this. How? Well Google already knows I am the coolest, but I forgot to tell the number one search engine that I am also Australian. Therefore by default I should be crowned the coolest guy in Australia also.

I am just going to rely on three techniques and allow two weeks to see if I am successful.
  1. Use of Blogspot labels, e.g. Coolest, guy, Google ..... Oh and of course Jezhug!
  2. 10 of the best "Coolest guy in Australia" backlinks I can find.
  3. A cool picture of the flag for Australia with good use of IMG ALT tags with the keywords ..... well you get the gist!coolest guy in australia, jezhug


  1. 4)Write a comment to myself saying, nice work Jezhug your going to be the "coolest guy in Australia" according to Google in no time! (end of shameless plug)

  2. Heh heh! Well Jezhug, you're on your way to become the next "coolest celebrity" I'll need a photo wif. :)

  3. haha, sounds good Marco ;)
    Great hub once again - http://hubpages.com/hub/The-Coolest-Celebrities-Ive-Met-With-Photos-To-Prove-It
